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Bear fat in softgel capsules.

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Bear fat in softgel capsules.

A number of saturated fatty acids is a part of bear fat: palmitic — 20%, stearin — 8%, miristinovy — 1.5%, insignificant amount of laurinovy and kaprinovy acid. From nonsaturated acids are present at bear fat — linoleic acid of 15%, linolenic 25%, olein 20% and arakhidonovy.

Bear fat — phospholipids, antioxidant vitamin A (Retinolum), vitamin E (tocopherol) — 6 mg, B4 vitamin (is well-cared) — 70 mg, group of vitamin D: D3 (holekaltsiferol) — 5 mg, D2 (ergokaltsiferol) — 5 mg. Saved up by a bear of vitamin D gradually it is spent during the winter. From mineral substances it would be desirable to allocate availability of selenium of 0,4 mg. And zinc of 0,2 mg. Calculation is made on 100 grams of bear fat. Caloric content of bear fat was 910 kilocalories. About properties and use of bear fat we asked to write our friends hunters who devoted to work in medicine not one decade of life.

Bear fat which medicinal properties are appreciated not by one generation of people was one of the main components of a pemmikan – the highly nourishing concentrate replacing full-fledged food in hunting expeditions and military campaigns. At the small volume and insignificant weight such product was characterized by high nutritiousness and light comprehensibility. At the regular use of fat of a bear bronkhalamin together with tsitamina and panaksozida are capable to restore struck mucous bronchopulmonary system, to clean from the become lifeless fabrics, pus and slime. Fat helps to treat, protects from negative side effects of strong medicines, raises immunity.

Capsulation of Bear fat?

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