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Whale fat in softgel capsules.

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Whale fat in softgel capsules.

In whale fat there are polynonsaturated fats which make anti-inflammatory impact on a human body. And also improve a condition of hair, skin and nails, promote increase in immunity, reduce pressure and level of cholesterol in blood, are prophylactic from emergence of cancer cells, bring toxins out of a human body and accelerate metabolism, help at a depression and many other things.

Whale fat helps to lose weight. Weight reduction is reached at the expense of the correct and optimum combination of healthy food, physical activities and the use of whale fat. As it was already told, whale fat helps normalization of exchange processes with an organism, to improvement of metabolism and reduces a possibility of emergence of a depression during a diet. Also there are polynonsaturated fats which make anti-inflammatory impact on a human body. And also improve a condition of hair, skin and nails, promote increase in immunity, reduce pressure and level of cholesterol in blood, are prophylactic from emergence of cancer cells, bring toxins out of a human body and accelerate metabolism, help at a depression and many other things.

Whale fat — animal fat, receive melting of the fat-raw received from carcass of whales. Technical whale fat receive also from bones and internals of animals in the way melting in autoclaves. The composition of this fat depends on a species of a whale, a part of a body, a floor, the area of residence, age, degree of fatness, a trade season. Whale fat has a specific unpleasant smell. At long storage of whale fat at a temperature of 10 about With from it the firm crystal fraction (stearin) is allocated, and at a temperature minus 20 °C — drop out of fat almost all glycerides of solid fatty acids.

Capsulation of Whale fat?

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