GARLICK OIL | Capsulator from the Expert No. 1 in Europe Seamless Softgel Capsules, Softgel Capsules without seam, Gelatin Softgel Capsules, the Capsular Equipment, Capsulator, Softgel Capsules with oil, Kapsulyation, Capsulation, Filling
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Garlick oil in softgel capsules.

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Garlick oil in softgel capsules.

Garlick oil protects an organism from microbes. On the basis of garlic extract researches scientists found out that it within an hour kills up to 93% of stafilokokk, and within three hours completely destroys a salmonella. Is the strongest immunomodulator. Substances as a part of a product considerably strengthen protective forces of an organism that allows to resist to the infectious attacks of the different nature.

Curative qualities of oil of garlic are caused by its rich structure: phytoncides, compounds of sulfur, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, organic acids, PNZhK, vitamins, including, carotene, ascorbic acid, groups B, D. F, PP, the whole complex macro - and minerals (iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, fight, iodine, calcium, molybdenum, silicon, manganese, fluorine and so forth) make salutary impact on a human body.

All know well how plentiful amount of useful properties garlic has. It is used in the raw, dried, cook various tinctures. Nevertheless, tinctures are, as a rule, based on alcohol, vodka or alcohol-containing components. Garlick oil acts as an alternative to tinctures. It possesses the wide list of useful properties, can be applied practically by all who have a need for treatment or prevention of this or that disease.

Capsulation of Garlick oil?

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