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Gashishny oil in softgel capsules.

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Gashishny oil in softgel capsules.

Oil of pomegranate is powerful antioxidant which stops inflammatory processes and protects an organism from viruses. It contains a large amount of vitamin E – 270 mg / 100. It is three times more, than in green tea. Such amount of vitamin E contains only in wheat germ oil. And also as a part of this product punitsinovy acid contains (an omega 5) is one of the main components of air. Thanks to it garnet oil promotes knocking over of intestinal infections and helps at diseases of vessels. It is added to composition of various healing ointments and creams – for example, the skin diseases intended for treatment.

Oil has the unique chemical composition. Its most part is presented by garnet acid, and this substance in other forms of oils practically does not meet. Besides, as a part of means other options of fatty polynonsaturated acids. And this "cocktail" does a product of fatty acids so valuable. Oil of pomegranate also is rich in vitamins. Especially there is a lot of in its structure "youth vitamin" — tocopherol.

Oil of pomegranate is emitted with unique structure and rare components which provide it quite specific set of curative properties. In the all-therapeutic purposes it is used as oil of preventive influence, but here in cosmetology shows all the strong personality, being effective anti-aging remedy. The garnet base connects the unique protective, nutritious and moistening properties, allows to get rid of many serious problems with dryness and loss of elasticity of skin.

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