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А&Е vitamins in softgel capsules.

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Витамины А&Е

А&Е vitamins in softgel capsules.

Retinolum – vitamins A and E fat-soluble. In pharmaceutical industry it is issued in softgel capsules. Retinolum plays a huge role an organism. It increases resistance to infectious diseases, skin infections, Promotes the best regeneration of skin at burns, strengthens nails and hair, a bone tissue, improves visual acuity.

Vitamins A and E use parno, it is expedient to use the medicines containing at once two substances in one capsule. For example, "Ayevit". Each pill of this medicine contains 100 mg of tocopherol and 100000 ME Retinolums. It is necessary to take medicine on one capsule daily 15 minutes later after a meal. Understanding of how it is correct to drink any vitamin supplements, very important. Some people without the knowledge of the doctor stuff themselves with various complexes, without understanding danger of overdose. If in an organism there is no lack of these components, then you should not use them as they, having collected in an organism, lead to emergence of problems with health.

Retinolum is necessary for eyes. It is a part of the visual pigments ensuring normal functioning of the visual analyzer. It is necessary for full activity of immune system, helps to cope with infections and promotes improvement of protective characteristics of mucous membranes. Influences a condition of skin, nails and hair.

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