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Fucus oil in capsules.

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Fucus oil in capsules.

Fucus oil — an irreplaceable product for beauty and health. Infused on brown the tsar alga, oil inherited from it the rich chemical composition: amino acids macro - and minerals, lipids, polynonsaturated fatty acids like omega-3 and an omega-6, a chlorophyll, fat-soluble vitamins (And, D, E), alginates, carotinoids, mineral salts, etc. All these substances united in one product provide to fucus oil surprising efficiency.

Oil of a fucus nourishes skin with salts and minerals. The fucus saved up in itself a huge number micro and macrocells. And as a part of oil the fucus is ready to share them with your skin. Gets deeply into epidermis and activates cells of skin. Oil possesses ability to stimulate activity of cells of skin, interfering with its aging. Disinfects and removes inflammation. Polyphenols as a part of an alga have antiseptic properties, exert positive impact on problem sites of skin, eliminates an acne and black points and also consequences of allergic reactions. Increases elasticity and elasticity of skin.

Oil of a fucus liquidates fatigue traces, bags and blue circles under eyes; Oil of a fucus stimulates cell renewal and your skin becomes gentle and fresh; Oil of a fucus nourishes skin the mineral salts and minerals necessary for regulation of skin balance; Oil of a fucus increases ability of skin to hold moisture and resilience to influence of age and climate; stimulates local blood circulation; promotes removal of toxic substances; Oil of a fucus is effective as local cure for cellulitis, local fatty deposits possesses local antiallergic action.

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