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Oil pistachio in capsules.

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Oil pistachio in capsules.

Pistachio oil is produced from product kernels by cold pressing. As a result muddy dark green substance turns out. It is important to gather pistachios in night-time. Further the product passes a certain extent of cleaning and can be used for preparation of hot dishes. In cosmetics quite often apply not refined oils. But also in the refined oil nearly 100% of useful properties remain. After refinement oil changes the color with dark green for yellowish.

Pistachio oil is received by a cold press of fruits then clean from impurity and receive yellowish and dense liquid. After clarification oil has no characteristic smell and taste, but keeps all curative properties. Oil of pistachios in cookery is very popular. Generally in medicine and cosmetology fruit oil is used. It can be got in any cosmetic department or in drugstore without recipe. Also oil as well as nuts of pistachio are applied in cosmetology to treatment of diseases of an integument, nails and hair.

Pistachio oil is also characterized by rather high content of fitosterol (including, beta sitosterola) and the most useful vitamin E (19 mg on 100 grams). Fitosterola are capable to intensify skin regeneration processes, to promote strengthening of its barrier functions, to restore elasticity of skin. They influence and collagen synthesis process and also possess the anti-inflammatory and healing action, are used for calm of sensitive skin.

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