SHEA BUTTER | Capsulator from the Expert No. 1 in Europe Seamless Capsules, Capsules without seam, Gelatin Capsules, the Capsular Equipment, Capsulator, Capsules with oil, Kapsulyation, Capsulation, Filling
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Shea butter in capsules.

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Масло ши

Shea butter in capsules.

The chemical composition of shea butter can be divided on: not saponified fats (about 17%) and triglycerides (about 80%). Not saponified part is presented by karisterola and carbohydrates. The Zhirnokislotny structure is presented: oleic acid (makes from 40 to 55%), stearin acid (range from 35 to 45%), linoleic acid (from 3 to 8%), palmitic acid (to 3%) and also: miristinovy acid, arakhinovy acid (less than 1%) and linolenic acid (less than 1%).

Base oil shi is a unique natural product which is received from the nuts of the African tree to the carriage growing in Guinea, Senegal. In Africa this oil is used for strengthening of health and cooking for a long time. Besides, it often is a part of confectionery. Recently shea butter won popularity as conditioning agent behind a body. Vitamin-rich A, E, F, it provides reliable protection against ultraviolet rays (SPF 6). As at structure there is a large amount of fatty acids (olein, palmitic), vegetable sterol, oil to the carriage does not turn into soap at reactions with alkali.

Shea butter has pleasant and light nut aroma sometimes with a small note of a coco. The consistence of a product firm, remains such at a temperature up to 27 degrees, at temperature increase oil quickly thaws. Its such feature does convenient its application in care of skin (a piece of oil to drive on skin, sating it with vivifying components). Only the organic (not chemical) not refined oil in which the huge amount of useful substances is concentrated is suitable for application.

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