OIL of SEEDS of the MELON | Capsulator from the Expert No. 1 in Europe www.Kapsulator.ru Seamless Capsules, Capsules without seam, Gelatin Capsules, the Capsular Equipment, Capsulator, Capsules with oil, Kapsulyation, Capsulation, Filling the Cap
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Oil of seeds of a melon in capsules.

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Oil of seeds of a melon in capsules.

Oil from seeds of a melon is the real elixir of beauty granting to nails durability and gloss, and to ringlets density and natural shine. Folk healers actively apply oil of melon sunflower seeds at bladder diseases and also a lock and hemorrhoids. Polynonsaturated fatty acids are a part of fragrant melon oil.

Natural melon oil belongs to treatment-and-prophylactic means which keep the considerable number of biologically active connections and vitamins in the structure. The matter is that melon sunflower seeds in itself are the most valuable food and dietary product which surpasses in amount of sugars and vitamins even water-melon. For this reason the regular use of natural melon oil not only will present to your foods fine aroma, but will render favorable effect on work of an organism in general.

Oil from seeds of a melon is used by production of creams for moistening, regeneration and face cleansing. The main lack of this way is a low exit of oil. This way of receiving oil from seeds of melon cultures includes cleaning of weed impurity, sorting, crushing, drying and pressing of the shattered seeds. At the same time drying is carried out in the device of shnekovy type for thermal treatment of oilseeds, in the beginning at a temperature from 1000C to 1100C within 2–3 minutes, and then at a temperature not over 600C within 20–23 minutes at humidity from 3% to 5%.

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