OIL EXTRACTS | Capsulator from the Expert No. 1 in Europe www.Kapsulator.ru Seamless Capsules, Capsules without seam, Gelatin Capsules, the Capsular Equipment, Capsulator, Capsules with oil, Kapsulyation, Capsulation, Filling the Cap
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Oil extracts in capsules.

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Oil extracts in capsules.

Oil extracts or medical oils the products of technology of extraction from medicinal vegetable raw materials prepared with use of vegetable or mineral oils. Extracts represent oily or mazeobrazny liquids of yellow, green or brown color. Have the taste and a smell characteristic of raw materials.

Oil extracts of flowers of a calendula bactericidal problem skin oil. Removes irritation, inflammation, pulls together a time, helps at stings, grazes, solar burns. Is suitable for care of gentle skin. Oil extracts of leaves of a nettle - strengthens hair bulbs, eliminates dandruff, stimulates growth of hair, warns an early gray hair.

Oil extracts of a grass of a train it is applied to removal of an itch and inflammation of skin, on hands - at dryness. Strengthens a dry and brittle hair. Use at psoriasis, a furunkuleza and eczema. Oil extracts of flowers of a camomile — anti-inflammatory oil for the angry track. Softens skin, removes irritation, peeling, heals small cracks, eliminates eels. Helps at fat seborrhea of head skin, dandruff and eczema.

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